London club-kid Zack is giving us a taste with a twist this week with his brand-new recipe.
Try this and let me know how it tastes...

Slimline Clubster Soufflé
Today's recipe is made entirely of abstract concepts and so you will not put on any weight with this dish! Ideal for the wannabe stick-thin clubster!

1.Take a good sized dollop of Tasty Tim's DJing skills and lightly fry them in the unpredictable nature of Dusty O's sense of humour. Then finely chop up a single clove of Lady Lloyd's left Louboutin heel and simmer it in the heat of Scottee's latest performance piece.

2. When the mixture has caramelised, take two spoonfuls of the ambiguity surrounding Daniel Lismore's weight and gender and sieve this through Shelly Would's wig collection. When the mixture has thickened boil it in Ryan Styles' performance on the Kylie Show for the entire length of "What do you think you're looking at, Faggot?" by Jonny Woo.

3. Lightly dice Angel Rose's interesting accent and juice a whole Princess Julia original track and Kris Di Angelis remix over this.

4. Then go back to Daniel Lismore's extremely photogenic face and mix it with the fierceness of Shelly Would's strut. Add Dusty O's most uncomfortable moment created after a comment on stage and finally garnish with Jonathan Bestley's newly found attitude.

(We would recommend Josh Quinton's boyish and unique good looks as the perfect accompanying tipple)
Serves an infinite number of diners.

1.Take a good sized dollop of Tasty Tim's DJing skills and lightly fry them in the unpredictable nature of Dusty O's sense of humour. Then finely chop up a single clove of Lady Lloyd's left Louboutin heel and simmer it in the heat of Scottee's latest performance piece.

2. When the mixture has caramelised, take two spoonfuls of the ambiguity surrounding Daniel Lismore's weight and gender and sieve this through Shelly Would's wig collection. When the mixture has thickened boil it in Ryan Styles' performance on the Kylie Show for the entire length of "What do you think you're looking at, Faggot?" by Jonny Woo.

3. Lightly dice Angel Rose's interesting accent and juice a whole Princess Julia original track and Kris Di Angelis remix over this.

4. Then go back to Daniel Lismore's extremely photogenic face and mix it with the fierceness of Shelly Would's strut. Add Dusty O's most uncomfortable moment created after a comment on stage and finally garnish with Jonathan Bestley's newly found attitude.

(We would recommend Josh Quinton's boyish and unique good looks as the perfect accompanying tipple)
Serves an infinite number of diners.