Talking about club kids, there is no better place to see a mighty bunch of them these days, than at "Shabba Dabba Da" in London's East End club Avalon. And no wonder - Daniel Lismore, the current "mother" of the new london Club Kid started the party a few months ago to encourage more and more people to dress up and show a bit of creativity.
His party has been recently granted the seal of approval by the youth bible, I-D magazine. Last Saturday saw the club at it's best yet, with Daniel celebrating his birthday and his dear friend Glamorous Monique getting her titties out, making it another night hard to forget.
Even Mr. Blitz himself - Steve Strange turned up to pay his respects to the new generation of clubbers that immerse in the scene he once started.
More about the past in my next posts. Let's focus on the current right now.
With his larger-than-life costumes and spectacular hand-made pieces, Daniel often resembles an art-installation more than your usual clubber. With an army of followers and admirers, he is your typical club-kid: self-made, broke and fabulous!

Currently "Shabba Dabba Da" is just the night you don't want to miss if you're an aspiring young Club Kid or a creative soul in search of a place to fit. With all the drama and mayhem in costumes and make-up, the party was inevitably and rightly so, packed with photographers. My friend and avid film-maker Michaela Kesenheimer made this video below, have a look ...
and here's my own crappy handycam vid - it's funny too
......and here are some more videos from previous parties. They're all great fun, so check them out if you have a minute...or three.