This Saturday will see another instalment of one of the best club nights currently on the London party scene "THE FACE"
Started nearly a year ago, it quickly became the favoured party of the London club-kids (new and old) with its strong references and links to the New Romantics and the Blitz days. Many of its regulars are on the pages of my book and of course the party is very popular with the scene photographers as it offers an amalgam of creative styles all in one place. The first hub of the club was a relatively small venue in Soho - Green Carnation - but the party expanded quickly and has now relocated to the hip "East Bloc"[217 City Road, Shoreditch]
In a conversation with its creator Alejandro Gocast, we're exploring what this party is all about.
- Hi Alejandro, tell us what do you do and when did you decide to start The Face?

- What is 'The Face'? To those who do not live in London and have not been to any of your parties, how would you describe it?
AG: The Face is a club night that attracts very eclectic, colourful personalities, people in the art & fashion industries and people who just wanna have a good time without any prejudices. Having them all in one place just creates a very surreal party atmosphere. It has been great seeing the club night grow and become the place to be. You do not have to be any particular sexual orientation or look a certain way. The most important thing that has made us popular is the fact that is a free-boundary limitless night.
- What is your favourite music and what can people expect from the DJs at The Face?
AG: I enjoy all sorts of music. I go from the cold electro such as “The Normals” with their “Warm Leatherette” classic to modern and 80s electro pop with a few mixed mainstream tracks. Therefore when I DJ I can be very unpredictable. Other DJs on rotation throughout the night are Princess Julia, Jeff Leech, Callum Turner, even Steve Strange himself has been hooked into playing a special set at some point. The Face has seen it all from Gary Kemp (Spandau Ballet) Andy Bell (Erasure) Rusty Egan (Visage) guests and live performances from Adam Ant & Mr Pustra (Villians)
For this upcoming date the special guest Dj is Kevin Rowland from Dexy’s Midnight Runners!
all images and text by: Oggy Yordanov []
Started nearly a year ago, it quickly became the favoured party of the London club-kids (new and old) with its strong references and links to the New Romantics and the Blitz days. Many of its regulars are on the pages of my book and of course the party is very popular with the scene photographers as it offers an amalgam of creative styles all in one place. The first hub of the club was a relatively small venue in Soho - Green Carnation - but the party expanded quickly and has now relocated to the hip "East Bloc"[217 City Road, Shoreditch]
In a conversation with its creator Alejandro Gocast, we're exploring what this party is all about.
- Hi Alejandro, tell us what do you do and when did you decide to start The Face?

AG: I work as a model & party entrepreneur, I have done various conceptual works mainly with High Fashion/Couture designers and photographers. My life revolves around music, fashion & people, I am always on the look for new things and this has brought a lot of success and joy during my career. There will be plenty of work coming my way in the next few weeks, it’s all very exciting.
The club night was “born” about a year ago, I have always organised parties with very unique people, so whether it was at my place or just hanging out in a random bar we kind of always felt out of place, hence I decided there needed to be somewhere we could just go dance forlong hours and just be free to be who we are.
AG: The Face is a club night that attracts very eclectic, colourful personalities, people in the art & fashion industries and people who just wanna have a good time without any prejudices. Having them all in one place just creates a very surreal party atmosphere. It has been great seeing the club night grow and become the place to be. You do not have to be any particular sexual orientation or look a certain way. The most important thing that has made us popular is the fact that is a free-boundary limitless night.
- What is your favourite music and what can people expect from the DJs at The Face?
AG: I enjoy all sorts of music. I go from the cold electro such as “The Normals” with their “Warm Leatherette” classic to modern and 80s electro pop with a few mixed mainstream tracks. Therefore when I DJ I can be very unpredictable. Other DJs on rotation throughout the night are Princess Julia, Jeff Leech, Callum Turner, even Steve Strange himself has been hooked into playing a special set at some point. The Face has seen it all from Gary Kemp (Spandau Ballet) Andy Bell (Erasure) Rusty Egan (Visage) guests and live performances from Adam Ant & Mr Pustra (Villians)
For this upcoming date the special guest Dj is Kevin Rowland from Dexy’s Midnight Runners!
- Why is dressing-up such a big part of what you do?
AG: Because is part of who I am, it is what makes me, myself, sometimes I think of it as way of expressing myself, or exploring and challenging people’s perceptions of what “a normal person” should be, act, dress or speak.
AG: It was during a impromptu chat with Rosemary Turner and Steve Strange, that the conversation came about, and we realised that we were all looking for the same thing, a place to gather distinctive personalities and party.
- How would you compare the New Romantic's days that we all know about to the scene today, the heavy make up and weird costumes are still here, what is different?
AG: I personally think people have forgotten or lost the meaning of what it means be unique. The Face is celebration of who we are, in this time of turbulent and confusing cultural messages.
-Thank you and lastly, what should people expect from this week's party?
AG: Music, Glamour, Style and most importantly: creative and expressive fun beings!
all images and text by: Oggy Yordanov []